The Value of Oil and Gas Ministries

NPMS is a game changer, enabling governments to take control of their oil & gas industries

A benchmark in government innovation and transparency, NPMS digitally transforms your petroleum industry’s business environment into a single operational platform

NPMS promotes a collaborative approach to industry communication, data collection, reporting and process management, whilst also providing the government full overview of all its activities, and those of the industry.

The NPMS platform establishes an online business community which supports the government, oil companies, service providers and other industry stakeholders to conduct their business activities and uphold regulatory and contractual obligations towards each other.

Benefits realised from the streamlining effects of NPMS transcend all stakeholders to maximise effectiveness, efficiency and oversight of oil & gas ministries.

NPMS is made up of numerous separate modules, which clients may select as required. These include modules related to stakeholders & contracts, production & sales, accounting & audit, tendering & procurement, workforce, asset inventory, technical data, legal & contractual, HSSE, and document & communications management. It is truly a one-stop shop for all petroleum matters.

NPMS provides unparalleled insight into and control over industry operations and stakeholder activities, facilitating the monitoring of standards and regulatory performance, and ultimately supporting oil & gas ministries to make well-informed and pro-active decisions.

Ministry Functions Supported by NPMS

A new vision for data management:

NPMS puts the onus on the industry to feed into the government relevant data and information, and through intelligently designed controls and triggers, ensures such data is kept accurate, up to-date and complete

Instant insights and reporting:

as data streams into NPMS from the industry, it is instantly processed and made available through analytical system dashboards, exportable databases and PDF reports, which present information in a manner consistent with the government’s needs.

Modernising industry processes:

archaic processes requiring industry stakeholders to visit government offices are replaced with clear and simple online forms, making it more resource efficient for all involved. Processes managed online also promote consistency and transparency in their handling and decision making.

Clear and consistent communication:

NPMS provides an effective tool for industry communication, ensuring that all stakeholders receive critical industry updates, such as requests for information, new regulations, or business opportunities.

The cost-benefit analysis of NPMS is a no brainer. Firstly, NPMS facilitates the generation and collection of various fees charged to industry stakeholders for system use and activity processing, which in addition to worthwhile initiatives to benefit the sector, can also be used to fund the NPMS solution. Secondly, NPMS technology provides an opportunity for poorly resourced oil & gas ministries to bridge their capability gaps, without having to make significant investments.

The value of NPMS to governments is undeniable, facilitating industry operations and supporting them to maximise the value of their hydrocarbons, whilst also connecting their industries to the rest of the world and encouraging foreign investment.

Snapshot of NPMS Benefits

Streamline the way they conduct their internal activities and maximize the productivity of their workforce
Increase efficiency, fairness and transparency in their decision-making processes.
Ensure industry stakeholders comply to their contracts and other government regulations.
Ensure legal preparedness in case of dispute with an industry stakeholder
Make well-informed strategic business decisions in the best interests of the government.
Encourage best industry practices and ensure appropriate standards are being followed.
Keep track of the activities of all staff to ensure responsibility and accountability for all actions, decisions and communications.
Ensure legal preparedness in case of dispute with an industry stakeholder.
Ensure legal preparedness in case of dispute with an industry stakeholder
Facilitate financial reconciliation and audit procedures by keeping data and information stored in a clear and consistent manner.
Reduce unnecessary bureaucracy and make conditions for industry stakeholders as business friendly as possible to encourage further investment.
Organize industry data and provide fast and efficient access to information.